Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Update on our GET REPPED NOW! promotion: Today we sent off our five considers to Magnet and Benderspink. Crossing fingers for these very talented writers! They are:

>> BAND OF ANGELS by Katherine Craddock
>> EVERMOON by Michael Cravotta
>> HEREDITARY by Craig Berger
>> PAN KRATOS by Demosthenes Daskaleas
>> NOTTINGHAM & HOOD by Brandon Barker

Let's all pull for these guys! And for everyone who sent your scripts in (almost 200 of you!) we are pulling for you guys as well. We plan to do another GET REPPED NOW! promotion in the fall. Plus we're hoping to add another manager. So get to work and polish and tighten and chisel and bulletproof those scripts, and then blow us away. 

“Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open.”― Stephen King


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