Hi folks! Well, we went and did it. The deadline for Writers on the Storm has been extended from 4/15/06 to 5/6/06. That is our FINAL DEADLINE, and we will not accept any scripts submitted after that time.
Now it seems like every contest in the world extends at the very end. They generally wait until the last day and then spring it on everyone--and then they tack on an additional fee for the privilege of allowing you to submit after their deadline. Well, not us. When we decided to extend, we realized we'd better give people some notice. So we're announcing the extension a week ahead of our original deadline. Further, we are NOT tacking on any extra fee--entry is STILL a flat $35.
The reasons we decided to extend are twofold. First, we have heard from a LOT of folks that tax day (4/15) is a bad day to end a contest. A lot of folks are scrambling to get their taxes done (I'm one of them) and simply can't work on their scripts last minute like writers love to do. The other reason has to do with coinciding with the end of the semester for universities. There are a lot of folks taking classes who are finishing up their scripts over the next few weeks, and we want to make sure we're seeing the best, tightest, most polished scripts out there. We've already seen quite a few very good ones by the way.
So if you've already submitted, fear not--we're reading those scripts right now. If you haven't submitted yet, this gives you an extra 3 weeks to get that script polished.
And don't forget--if you submit your script to Coverage, Ink for analysis, it's automatically entered into the contest for FREE. If you get a Consider with Reservations or better for script, you're automatically a quarterfinalist. And if you do not, you still have time to make changes based on the analysis and resubmit--if you hurry!
Yep, Writers on the Storm is the ONLY contest that gives you a second chance--take advantage of it! And of course, may the best scripts win!
Guys, my script will be finished in about two weeks. Hopefully ;) If I get it into Coverage Ink, then let's say it gets a pass. Do I still have time to resubmit to the contest?
Bill, it depends on the timing and how fast you can rewrite. For example, if you get the analysis back from us any time before the 6th, you can then sit down and crank out a rewrite. As long as you submit it to the contest by 11:59 PM on May the 6th (ain't online submission great?) then you're good to go. Standard Coverage, Ink turnaround is 2 weeks, so keep that in mind.
Now if you want to use CI rush service (2-day turnaround,) obviously that then buys you more time.
Also same thing applies for folks who DO get a consider--your script is then automatically a quarterfinalist, and writer then has the option to either: A) Let it Ride, and it will move into the QF round as is (free,) OR B), writer can opt to do a quick rewrite bnased on the coverage, and submit the shiny, polished version directly to the contest anytime before midnight 5/6, theoretically greatly improving your chances. (However in that case you would need to pay the $35 entry fee because the script will be read all over again.)
Hope that helps! Now get writing, everybody!
When will the notification date be?
Anonymous, can you be a bit more specific? What notification date? Are you talking about when the quarterfinalists will be posted? Quarterfinalists will be notified and posted on the website by May 31st. Semifinalists will be notified and posted on the website by June 20th. Top Ten Finalists will be announced by July 9th, and the winner will be chosen no later than July 31st.
I've already submitted my screenplay several weeks ago well before the deadline. If I'm lucky enough to be named a quarterfinalist, will I be notified in advance before May 31st or I have to wait until that date to see on your website if you've made it? I think all this waiting will have a toll on me
We'll notify all the quarterfinalists directly on or before 5/31. Yeah, I know the waiting sticks, but time is going to pass anyway. Might as well use it to procrastinate!
So I pulled a couple late- nighters and called in sick from work to get my script in for the orginal deadline. And I screwed myself because I could have taken a few extra weeks. Bummer.
Sorry, anonymous--that's why we announced it a week in advance.
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