Saturday, June 20, 2009


Writers on the Storm is not even over, but we already have some quarterfinalists. How can this be so?, you might ask. Allow us to explain!

Here's how it works. Anyone who submits their scripts to Coverage, Ink for analysis is automatically entered in the contest. Entries submitted directly to the contest (at or are judged after the contest’s final deadline (8/10). But scripts sent in to CI for analysis get judged in advance – so if you score a ‘consider with reservations’ or better for script (roughly top 10%), you lock in quarterfinalist status early on. You can then let it ride, or polish it up and resubmit, theoretically bettering your odds.

Thus we now have five quarterfinalists in the running for the $28,500 cash and prizes!

Presenting our rockin’ quarterfinalists thus far:

The Enginist by Tim McGrath
Macau Twilight by Tony Shyu
Nightmare in the Ardennes by Walt Malinowski
Shades of Grey by Michael Morra
Svengali Effect by Jeremy Shipp

Great work, guys! (Hey, all men so far? What gives? Come on, ladies!)

Join the Writers on the Storm Facebook group right HERE.

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